Call for Papers
Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2016
Twentieth International Conference
February 22–26, 2016
Accra Beach Hotel & Spa
Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on financial, economic and commercial transaction security. Original works focusing on securing commercial transactions and systems are solicited; fundamental as well as applied real-world deployments on all aspects surrounding commerce security are of interest. Submissions need not be exclusively concerned with cryptography. Systems security, economic or behavioral perspectives, and interdisciplinary efforts are particularly encouraged.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:- Access Control
- Anonymity and Privacy
- Applied Cryptography
- Auctions and Mechanisms
- Authentication and Identification
- Behavioral Aspects of Security and Privacy
- Biometrics
- Certification and Audits
- Cloud Computing and Data Outsourcing Security
- Commercial Cryptographic Applications
- Contactless Payment and Ticketing Systems
- Cryptographic Currencies
- Digital Cash and Payment Systems
- Digital Rights Management
- Economics of Security and Privacy
- Electronic Commerce Security
- Electronic Crime and Underground Markets
- Fraud Detection and Forensics
- Game Theory for Security and Privacy
- Identity Theft
- Insider Threats
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Microfinance and Micropayments
- Mobile Systems Security and Privacy
- Phishing and Social Engineering
- Reputation Systems
- Risk Assessment and Management
- Secure Banking and Financial Services
- Smart Contracts and Financial Instruments
- Smartcards, Secure Tokens and Secure Hardware
- Social Networks Security and Privacy
- Trust Management
- Usability and Security
- Virtual Goods and Virtual Economies
- Voting Systems
- Web Security
Important Dates
Workshop proposal submission | August 15, 2015 |
Workshop proposal notification | August 30, 2015 |
Paper submission | |
Paper notification | |
Poster and panel submission | December 4, 2015 |
Poster and panel notification | December 13, 2015 |
Final papers | January 4, 2016 |
Conference | February 22–26, 2016 |
Submissions are accepted until 11:59pm, UTC-11. |
Submissions are sought in the following categories:(i) regular papers (15 pages LNCS format excluding references and appendices),
(ii) short papers (8 pages LNCS format in total),
(iii) panel and workshop proposals (2 pages), and
(iv) posters (1 page).
The regular and short paper submissions must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. In contrast, panel, workshop proposal, and poster submissions must include author names and affiliations.
Papers must be formatted in standard LNCS format and submitted as PDF files. Submissions in other formats will be rejected. All papers must be submitted electronically according to the instructions and forms found here and at the submission site. For each accepted paper the conference requires at least one registration at the general or academic rate.
Authors may only submit work that does not substantially overlap with work that is currently submitted or has been accepted for publication to a conference/workshop with proceedings or a journal. We consider double submission serious research fraud and will treat it as such. In case of doubt contact the program chairs for any clarifications at
Paper submissions should be uploaded through the conference submission website. Poster submissions and panel proposals should be sent to
Regular Research Papers
Research papers should describe novel, previously unpublished scientific contributions to the field, and they will be subject to rigorous peer review. Accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings to be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Submissions are limited to 15 pages excluding references and appendices. A total page restriction may apply for the printed proceedings version. Committee members are not required to read the appendices, so the full papers should be intelligible without them. Regular papers must be anonymous with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references.
Short Papers
Short papers are also subject to peer review, however, the intention is to encourage authors to introduce work in progress, novel applications and corporate/industrial experiences. Short papers will be evaluated with a focus on novelty and potential for sparking participants' interest and future research avenues. Short paper submissions are limited to 8 pages in standard LNCS format in total. The paper title for short papers should necessarily include the text "Short Paper." Accepted submissions will be included in the conference proceedings. Short papers must be anonymous with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references.
Panel Proposals
We especially would like to encourage submissions of panel proposals. These should include a very brief description of the panel topics, as well as of the prospective panelists. Accepted panel sessions will be presented at the conference. Moreover, each participant will contribute a one-page abstract to be published in the conference proceedings. Please feel free to contact us directly if you would like to further discuss the suitability of a certain topic. Panel submissions must not be anonymous and should be up to 2 pages, sent to
The poster session is the perfect venue to share a provocative opinion, interesting established or preliminary work, or a cool idea that will spark discussion. Poster presenters will benefit from a multi-hour session to discuss their work, get exposure, and receive feedback from attendees. Poster submissions should be a 1-page abstract (in the same LNCS format) describing the poster. Please keep in mind that the poster deadline is later than the main paper submission deadline. The poster abstracts will be published in the proceedings. Poster proposals must not be anonymous and should be sent to the posters chair at
Workshop Proposals
Proposals for workshops to be held at FC16 are also solicited. A workshop can be full day or half day in length. Workshop proposals should include: (i) a title, (ii) a call for papers, (iii) a brief summary and justification - including how it would fit into the greater FC scope, (iv) a (tentative) Program Committee and its Chair, (v) one-paragraph biographies for key organizers, and (vi) the expected (or previous - if workshop has been held in previous years) number of submissions, participants and acceptance rates. Workshop proposals must not be anonymous and should be sent to
The Rump Session
FC16 will also include the popular "rump session" held on one of the evenings in an informal, social atmosphere. The rump session is a program of short (5 minutes), informal presentations on works in progress, off-the-cuff ideas, and any other matters pertinent to the conference. Any conference attendee is welcome to submit a presentation to the Rump Session Chair (to be announced at the conference). This submission should consist of a talk title, the name of the presenter, and, if desired, a very brief abstract. Submissions may be sent via e-mail, or submitted in person in the morning on the day of the session.
Best Paper Awards
Awards will be presented for the best overall paper, and outstanding paper(s) that specifically address challenges in financial cryptography, and financial systems, including usability/interdisciplinary approaches.
Student Stipends
We are pleased to announce the availability of enhanced financial support for students attending FC16. We anticipate awarding student stipends that would cover conference registration fees and reimburse travel expenses up to $1,000. Preference will be given to students who will be presenting at the conference or associated workshops, but all student participants are encouraged to apply. If you are interested in applying for stipend support, please email the FC16 general chair at with subject line "student stipend" and a letter of support from your home institution.
Program Chairs
Jens Grossklags | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Bart Preneel | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
Program Committee
Masayuki Abe | NTT Laboratories, Japan |
Alessandro Acquisti | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Ross Anderson | Cambridge University, UK |
Elli Androulaki | IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland |
N. Asokan | Aalto University, Finland |
Paulo Barreto | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Steven Bellovin | Columbia University, USA |
Daniel Bernstein | University of Illinois at Chicago, USA |
Rainer Böhme | University of Innsbruck, Austria |
Alvaro Cardenas | University of Texas at Dallas, USA |
Jeremy Clark | Concordia University, USA |
Nicolas Courtois | University College London, UK |
George Danezis | University College London, UK |
Serge Egelman | UC Berkeley, USA |
Seda Gürses | NYU, USA |
Feng Hao | Newcastle University, UK |
Thorsten Holz | Ruhr University Bochum, Germany |
Trent Jaeger | The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Markus Jakobsson | Qualcomm, USA |
Benjamin Johnson | Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
Aniket Kate | Purdue University, USA |
Florian Kerschbaum | SAP, Germany |
Aggelos Kiayias | National and Kapodistrian U. Athens, Greece |
Bart Knijnenburg | Clemson University, USA |
Markulf Kohlweiss | Microsoft Research, UK |
Aron Laszka | UC Berkeley, USA |
Anja Lehmann | IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland |
Arjen Lenstra | EPFL, Switzerland |
Patrick Loiseau | EURECOM, France |
Travis Mayberry | US Naval Academy, USA |
Catherine Meadows | Naval Research Laboratory, USA |
Sarah Meiklejohn | University College London, UK |
Tyler Moore | University of Tulsa, USA |
Steven Murdoch | University College London, UK |
Tatsuaki Okamoto | NTT Laboratories, Japan |
Kenneth Paterson | Royal Holloway, University of London, UK |
Roberto Perdisci | University of Georgia, USA |
Avi Rubin | Johns Hopkins University, USA |
Ahmad Sadeghi | TU Darmstadt, Germany |
Rei Safavi-Naini | University of Calgary, Canada |
Nigel Smart | University of Bristol, UK |
Jessica Staddon | Google, USA |
Carmela Troncoso | Gradiant, Spain |
Damien Vergnaud | École Normale Supérieure, France |
Nicholas Weaver | International Computer Science Institute, USA |
Xinyu Xing | The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Moti Yung | Google & Columbia University, USA |
This conference is organized annually by the International Financial Cryptography Association.